Моторни Чамац Од 32,8 Фт „Јеан Паул“ - Corsica Yacht & Fishing Charters

О овој јахти

32.8 Ft Powerboat “Jean Paul” powered by 2 x 300 cv engines, 10 meters long, the Ship is built of robust American design, providing perfect seakeeping, it is a great boat for fishing and cruising. It offers very good fishing comfort, but also all the equipment to make the most of a fantastic day on the blue waters of Corse.

Capacity: Max 10 pax

The ship “Yacht” is certified, which guarantees you maximum comfort.

Comforts: Toilets, bathroom, bedrooms, and kitchen will all be at your disposal.

Our ship is approved by Bureau Veritas, and periodically checked by Maritieme Affaires inspectors for your safety.

Make yourself comfortable on the sundeck at the front, or the central part of the boat, which is sheltered and shaded, with a bench seat at the back of the boat.

Trip Details

Join us on our boat “the Jean Paul” for a fantastic day on the blue waters of Sardinia.

Our Cruises departing from: Bonifacio

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  • thumb Уплатите депозит и стање у тренутку чартера

Нудимо следећа путовања

  • Sunset Tour Bonifacio and Porto Vecchio
    €45 EUR

    (Sep - May )€45 EUR
    (Jun - Jun )€55 EUR
    (Sep - Sep )€55 EUR
    (Jul - Aug )€55 EUR

    After a visit to the old town, caves and cliffs, treat yourself to an exceptional sunset under the cliffs of Bonifacio, accompanied if you wish, by an aperitif dinner provided by our partner the Roba Nostra grocery store: AOP charcuterie and Corsican farmhouse cheeses. A welcome glass of wine will be offered to you onboarding.

    Hours for Sunset Cruise:
    April: 18.30 pm to 21.00 pm
    May: 19.00 pm to 21.30 pm
    June/July: 19.00 pm to 22.00 pm
    August: 18.30 pm to 21.30 pm
    September: 18.00 pm to 20:30 pm
    October: 17.30 pm to 20.00 pm

    30/09 – 31/05: Adult 45 Euro,
    Child 25 Euro (3-13 years old)
    01/06 – 30/06: Adult 55 Euro,
    Child 35 Euro (3-13 years old)
    01/09 – 30/09: Adult 55 Euro,
    Child 35 Euro (3-13 years old)
    01/07 – 31/08: Adult 55 Euro,
    Child 35 Euro (3-13 years old)

    Additional Passenger rate: 45 EUR
  • Lavezzi cruise - 1/2 day morning cruise
    €60 EUR

    (Sep - May )€60 EUR
    (Jun - Jun )€75 EUR
    (Sep - Sep )€75 EUR
    (Jul - Aug )€75 EUR
    (Jul - Aug )€75 EUR

    Departing from: Bonifacio

    Departure: 09.00 AM
    Return: 1.00 PM

    Duration: 4 hours

    From Bonifacio, discover our route to the Lavezzi Islands. We will make several swimming stops in the most beautiful coves before an in-depth visit of the archipelago. You will enjoy detailed explanations of the places and the history of the archipelago by your crew.

    30/09 – 31/05: Adult 60 Euro,
    Child 40 Euro (3-13 years old)
    01/06 – 30/06: Adult 75 Euro,
    Child 55 Euro (3-13 years old)
    01/09 – 30/09: Adult 75 Euro,
    Child 55 Euro (3-13 years old)
    01/07 – 31/08: Adult 75 Euro,
    Child 55 Euro (3-13 years old)

    Additional Passenger rate: 60 EUR
  • Shared Charter - Lavezzi cruise 1/2 day afternoon cruise
    €60 EUR

    (Sep - May )€60 EUR
    (Jun - Jun )€75 EUR
    (Sep - Sep )€75 EUR
    (Jul - Aug )€75 EUR

    Departs From: Bonifacio

    Departure: 2.00 AM
    Return: 18.00 PM

    Duration: 4 hours

    From Bonifacio, discover our route to the Lavezzi Islands. We will make several swimming stops in the most beautiful coves before an in-depth visit of the archipelago. You will enjoy detailed explanations of the places and the history of the archipelago by your crew.

    30/09 – 31/05: Adult 60 Euro,
    Child 40 Euro (3-13 years old)
    01/06 – 30/06: Adult 75 Euro,
    Child 55 Euro (3-13 years old)
    01/09 – 30/09: Adult 75 Euro,
    Child 55 Euro (3-13 years old)
    01/07 – 31/08: Adult 75 Euro,
    Child 55 Euro (3-13 years old)

    Additional Passenger rate: 60 EUR
  • Sunset Tour Bonifacio and Porto Vecchio - included: aperitive + diner
    €65 EUR

    (Jun - Jun )€75 EUR
    (Jul - Aug )€75 EUR
    (Sep - Sep )€75 EUR
    (Sep - May )€65 EUR

    After a visit to the old town, caves and cliffs, treat yourself to an exceptional sunset under the cliffs of Bonifacio, accompanied if you wish, by an aperitif dinner provided by our partner the Roba Nostra grocery store: AOP charcuterie and Corsican farmhouse cheeses. A welcome glass of wine will be offered to you onboarding.

    Hours for Sunset Cruise:
    April: 18.30 pm to 21.00 pm
    May: 19.00 pm to 21.30 pm
    June/July: 19.00 pm to 22.00 pm
    August: 18.30 pm to 21.30 pm
    September: 18.00 pm to 20:30 pm
    October: 17.30 pm to 20.00 pm

    30/09 – 31/05: Adult 65 Euro,
    Child 25 Euro (3-13 years old)

    01/06 – 30/06: Adult 75 Euro,
    Child 35 Euro (3-13 years old)

    01/09 – 30/09: Adult 75 Euro,
    Child 35 Euro (3-13 years old)

    01/07 – 31/08: Adult 75 Euro,
    Child 35 Euro (3-13 years old)

    Additional Passenger rate: 45 EUR
  • Fishing Bonifacio
    €95 EUR

    (Sep - May )€95 EUR
    (Jun - Jun )€95 EUR
    (Sep - Sep )€95 EUR
    (Jul - Aug )€95 EUR

    Departs From: Pêche Bonifacio

    Departure: 07.45 AM
    Return: 11:30 AM

    Rate: 95,00 Euro p/p

    Departing from the port of Bonifacio, enjoy a full morning of sea bream fishing near the Bouches de Bonifacio. Depending on the weather, our fishing guide will take you to the most suitable places. Suitable for all audiences. Snack provided onboarding.

    30/09 – 31/05: Adult 95 Euro pp,
    Child 35 Euro (3-13 years old)

    01/06 – 30/06: Adult 95 Euro,
    Child 35 Euro (3-13 years old)

    01/09 – 30/09: Adult 95 Euro,
    Child 35 Euro (3-13 years old)

    01/07 – 31/08: Adult 95 Euro,
    Child 35 Euro (3-13 years old)

    Additional Passenger rate: 85 EUR


Да ли је потребно да се бринем да ћу добити морску болест?
Која је разлика између приватне повеље и редовне/ заједничке/ јавне повеље?
Да ли нудите чартере без чамца?
Које информације су вам потребне од мене да ми пошаљете понуду за најам брода?
Који су ваши услови плаћања?
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Одаберите време и датум закупа брода


Questions or Requests

Your Contact Details

Калкулација цене

Подразумевана стопа: 800 USD

Пак Укључено у подразумевану стопу: 4

Додатна стопа путника: 80 USD

Основна цена: 550 USD

Укупна цена: 550 USD

Депозит 0 USD

Стање: 550 USD

Још увек није потребно плаћање!
1/ Прво ћемо вам послати потврду о доступности чамца.
2/ Ако одлучите да кренете даље и резервишете чартер, можете само да кликнете на линк за плаћање, да уплатите мали депозит (макс. 15%). Веза за плаћање ће бити послата са потврдом доступности.
3/ Када се депозит уплати, добићете веома детаљну потврду путовања.

Шта клијенти кажу о нашој услузи

  • Sep, 2022

    Леп дан за роњење са мојом шесточланом породицом. Воде су биле мирне и дубоке само 6 стопа, али морски живот је био невероватан. Чак и јастога.

  • Oct, 2022

    Одличан дан за пецање у становима. Ухваћена дозвола, Баракуда и огроман Тарпон. Капетан и чамац су били сјајни и створени за одличан дан!

  • Nov, 2022

    Невероватно путовање у дубоком мору. Отишли смо око 20 миља од обале и пронашли коров где смо ухватили тоне Махија! Урадићу то поново ускоро.